Plainview's Brinley Summerford Attends Ceremony at State Capitol
Winner of Rainsville Tree City Board Arbor Day poster contest named second in state, recognized by Governor Kay Ivey

Above, Brinley Summerford joins Gov. Kay Ivey in planting a Blue Ice Arizona Cypress tree on the grounds of the Capitol. Kayron Guffey | Rainsville Tree City Board
Brinley Summerford, a fifth grade student at Plainview High School, participated in the 2021 Arbor Day Poster Contest where she won first place in the local contest hosted by the Rainsville Tree City Board and second place at the state level.
“Brinley won second place at State,” said Kayron Guffey, chairperson of the Rainsville Tree City Board. “I am so proud of her. This is awesome for our city and school. Brinley received $150 total at the State Level, plus other prizes and $50.00 from the City of Rainsville for first place in the Rainsville Tree City Poster Contest.”
Third place in the state competition was given to Jason Roh, from Columbia Elementary School in Madison, and first place was awarded to Kaylei Selko, a fifth grade student from Goldsmith-Schiffman Elementary School in Huntsville.
Last Thursday, Summerford and the other winners, along with her family and members of the Rainsville Tree City Board, attended a tree planting ceremony on the Capitol grounds in Montgomery with Governor Kay Ivey.
“As Alabamians, it’s imperative that we all do our part to ensure our state’s natural beauty remains intact for the future generations to come,” Ivey said. “Arbor Day provides an exciting opportunity for us to show our children what it means to be 'Alabama the Beautiful' and motivate them to do their part in keeping our forests healthy. I’m proud to continue our state’s tradition of partnering with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System to proclaim February 21st through 27th, 2021, as Arbor Week in the state of Alabama.”
Guffey said after the ceremony, House Majorty Leader Nathaniel Ledbetter awarded Summerford with a coin and State Flag.
The Alabama Arbor Day Poster competition is sponsored by the Alabama Urban Forestry Association, Alabama Extension, Hunter Trees, LLC, Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Alabama, Inc., Alabama Power Company, Legacy, Inc., Auburn University School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences, Keep Alabama Beautiful, Alabama 4-H, and Governor Ivey’s office.
© Copyright 2021, Times-Journal, Fort Payne, AL
Plainview's Brinley Summerford attends tree planting ceremony at state Capitol. (2021, March 2). Times-Journal. Retrieved from